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Fabrice Marc


  • Born in 1968
  • Silver Medal in Organ
  • Prizes in Musical writing from the Paris High Conservatory of Music
  • Master's degree of Music, granted Magna cum Laude from the Rouen University
  • Teacher and organist since 1992
  • Work in Canada from 2004 to 2006
  • At the moment in Brittany, West-France



All musical works available on this page are original compositions. 

Digital instruments were used for those records.
They offers a real controll of
rythm acuracy, balance of timbres, the distribution throughout space, and so on... Not losing anything, music gains quality ; and the artist, freedom and respect.




Digital Visualizations by

Églantine PEPIN
in Honolulu


  1.     Montrez un cœur plus grand que tous les maux qui vous menacent - October 2020
  2.     Défrichez cette terre sauvage ; Faites fleurir le désert - March 2021
  3.     Nous ne cessions de nous regarder tandis que nous pûmes nous voir - July 2021
  4.    Cette lumière simple, infinie et immuable, qui se donne à tous sans se partager   - July 2021
  5.    Tout ce que vous verrez de plus merveilleux est le fruit de ses lois - October    2021
  6.    Le vaisseau est tout prêt : que tardons nous à quitter cette île ? - December 2021
  7.    De temps en temps des trompettes faisaient retentir l'onde - June 2022
  8.    Le Trajet est court et facile - October 2022
  9.    Tout ce qu'il disait était court, précis et nerveux - October 2023
  10.    Les trésors y entraient comme les flots viennent l'un sur l'autre - June 2024
  11.    Il aurait fallu renverser l'ordre que j'avais établi pour ma commodité - In progress


    1.     Une fureur grande et sonore - December 2014
    2.     Les longs voyages sur la mer irritée - February 2015     
    3.     Les eaux murmurantes entre les pierres - October 2015
    4.     Les bornes de l'Aurore - December 2015
    5.     Aspirer les eaux profondes - February 2016
    6.     Le vent grossit - November 2016    
    7.     De légères embarcations - March 2017   
    8.     Un esprit lucide peut les saisir - April 2018  
    9.     Des choses grandes & excellentes - October 2019         
    10.   Un silence dompte les vents. - December 2019

EUMENIDES for symphonic orchestra - 2013/2014

KOEPHOROI for symphonic orchestra - 2012/2013

AGAMEMNON Version 2 for symphonic orchestra - 21 minutes - 2011/2012

New record since 2012.11.22

Second version - available.

"A qualunque animale alberga in terra", for clarinet, violin, cello, piano and speaker ; poem by Petrarch - 13 minutes - 2011

Text : French - Italian - English



9 episodes - 10 to 20 minutes for each episode.

1. There are no absurd limits to her knowledge, for symphonic orchestra - 2007- world premiere : June 2008

2. The ones, who, with their fox blue eyes, tell the truth, for 8 woodwinds, 2 French horns and percussions

3. About the true difference we don't understand, trio for violin, cello piano - 2007 world premiere : June 2008 

4. The exile days and their desolated night, for violin, piano and 2 instrumental groups - 2008world premiere : Febrary 21st 2009    

5. About the blinding eclipses where wandered the nomads, for 16 strings - October 2008

The movie realized by Églantine PEPIN for this music was rewarded by

the Golden Kahuna Award 2011 at the Honolulu Festival

VIDEO - 2010


6. In this natural inconscience is their beatitude, for 2 harps, vibraphone, lithophone, waterphone and glassharmonica - 2008 world premiere : Febrary 21st 2009

7. I am ready to love you as if you did not exist , for saxophone quartet - 2005 world premiere : June 2008.

8. From the mountains, something happened, for symphonic orchestra - May 2010.

9. Life is longer than our Dreams , for symphonic orchestra - February 2011.


Lugubrious be your song and victorious the issue, for clarinet, double bass, piano and percussion - 10 minutes - world premiere : Toronto, 2005

The Choëphoræ, express tragedy for symphonic orchestra from Æschylus 2004 - 3 minutes - unfinished 

Agamemnon, express tragedy for symphonic orchestra from Æchylus 2004 - 17 minutes world premiere : Paris, 2004 

The Jonah's Book, for chamber orchestra - 2002 - 40 minutes - world premiere : Montreal, 2005

The Woman of the sands, 5 pieces for piano and electronic adapted from the novel of Kobo Abe - 1999 - 40 minutes

             1. Seven Minutes of White Sand

             2. Wind is blowing from South

             3. Woman, Dogs and Dispair

             4. Un pour cent

             5. Épilogue


& Broadcastings 

17th June 2004: Agamemnon - Auditorium Jacques Ibert, Paris 19° - First digital recordings.

26th May 2005: Broadcasting of Agamemnon on Radio-Canada Toronto.

29th May 2005: Lugubre soit ton chant et l'issue victorieuse - Toronto - Array Music Orchestra

17th October 2005: Agamemnon, Lugubre soit ton chant et l'issue victorieuse & Le Livre de Jonas - Montréal, Chapelle Historique du Bon Pasteur - Visualizations by Églantine Pepin - New digital record.

 6th of June 2008 : I am ready to love as if you did not exist / There is nothing inside me, that does not belong to negation / There are no absurd limits to her knowledge - Poissy (France)

21st of February 2009: The exil days and their desolated night  - video / In this natural inconscience is their beatitude - solist : Agnès Kammerer, harp - Poissy (78)

20th of June 2009 : Danses Chorales - Dance music - Poissy (78)
and about 10 shows in France


2 CD have been recorded:

- The Jonah's Book & The Woman of the sands - June 2002.

- Agamemnon, Lugubre soit ton chant et l'issue victorieuse, & The Jonah's Book (new record) - October 2005


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